Places To Visit/ Things to Do

  • Mill City Museum
  • Go Garage Saling
  • Explore the Local Music Scene
  • Memorial Day Barbecue
  • Grad Parties
  • Behind the Scenes Tour at the Restaurant I Work at
  • Art Car Parade
  • Go to the Science Museum
  • Cook and Bake
  • Excelsior
  • My Graduation
  • San Jose, Costa Rica
  • Minneapolis Institute of Art
  • Walker Art Museum
  • Guthrie
  • Mall of America
  • Explore Uptown
  • Go to a Bar Mitzvah

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Graduation and Grad Party

The next big life cycle event the professor got to partake in was my high school graduation! The weekend before we had my grad party-- which had a lot of people neither of us knew! He just sat back and enjoyed a beer!
On the day of my graduation, he came along, loving academic events such as this. The whole car ride there he waxed poetic, remembering fondly his own graduation, and the valedictorian speech he gave. He just happened to remember it, and gave it for me, to get me inspired and in the mood to graduate!

Bar Mitzvah!

The Professor enjoyed a very exciting Memorial Day weekend, but instead of a Bar-b-q we had a Bar-Mitzvah! =]
He was very proud that he already had a tux on to look nice for my little brother's big day, and even got some pictures with him up on the Bimah before the services. He enjoyed examining the Hebrew, and decided he should learn it when he has some free time. He just never stops learning, that one!

After the service, he enjoyed some good Jewish food, and then hung out with some good Jews. My little cousin Hannah took up a particular fondness for him, and they hung out all weekend! We went to the Water Park of America that Sunday, but he stayed nice and dry, lounging in a beach chair and reading The Alchemist.


Professor Linus enjoyed a hot summer day exploring Uptown Minneapolis!
He met some very academic rabbits at Urban Outfitters (you can tell they're intellectual because of the mustaches!) He walked around Calhun square, the bustling center of uptown, taking in all the sights, like the cool old Uptown Theature. We spotted a hipster couple with matching watermelon colored bikes. How cute! We walked down by the lake where it was cooler, and took in the amazing view!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Prof. Linus goes to Minnetonka High School

Today I decided to get him out of the house and brought him along to school with me! He didn't take much coaxing because he was very eager to do some field research about highschoolers. He popped on his backpack in hopes of blending in- he informed me that the best kind of psychological experiment is one in which the researcher assimilates himself into the group being studied. I told him he'd still probably turn heads, being a penguin and all, but it sounded like fun!

He had a great time in ceramics with me, although he kept his distance as to not get dirty. In the writing center he worked on the computer typing some complex mathematical analysis of the centrifugal motion of the pottery wheel he had previously been enthralled watching-- it was all way over my head but he kindly stopped to help me work on my poem for my later poetry workshop class. In my Spanish class he learned with me about the encierro, or Running of the Bulls. I found out he's fluent in Spanish, which was good because I didn't have to translate the presentation! Another highlight of the day was when we went outside to workshop our poems in our workshop- for a penguin, he loved the 70+ degree weather, but was mad he left his shades at home. He gave a lot of really good advice about everyone's poems they read and was very helpful! He also tried out his artistic side in my drawing class. I think he had a really fun day... I would say everyone learned something from him... I wonder what conclusions his study of highschoolers drew?

Arrival In Minnetonka!

On Monday, I was amazed to find him at the door already. What a speedy traveler, that one! The Professor came with plenty of exploration gear- sunglasses, penguin backpack, and a baseball cap. We delighted in getting to know one another over some iced tea-- he was thirsty from his journey-- and I learned all about his interests. He is quite the Renaissance man! He was thrilled that I have both a Nintendo Wii and a ukelele, his two hobbies. We decided to play a few rounds of Wii boxing, and I have to say, I had no idea what I was up against! It's amazing that he arrived so early, because I was so eager to get started on all the excursions we are going to have. It's a bummer I'm still in school for a couple more weeks, but I'm going to try my best to keep him entertained and his mind stimulated. It might be nice to have him around to help with my philosophy assignment this week, actually! He has taken to reading all my textbooks when not on the wii--- I better get him out of the house this weekend!